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VNIIST - Fuel & Energy Complex Competency Center

The Institute carries out the whole complex of research and engineering works towards Oil & Gas complex facilities

One of the key activities of the Company is providing testing and research of products and material in line with the Russian and international standards

Using innovative approach leverage value effectively comply with requirements of customers and partners

Over the years the Institute leads the Oil & Gas Industry by implementing projects of the largest Russian companies
Специалистами ВНИИСТ в рамках научно-исследовательской работы выполнено определение и сравнение критичности дефектов трубопроводов с помощью конечно-элементного анализа


Специалистами ВНИИСТ в рамках научно-исследовательской работы выполнено опр...

Специалистами ВНИИСТ были проведены прочностные расчеты дефектных участков стальных трубопроводов с помощью конечно-элементного анализа.
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Digital library E-Library

Digital library E-Library

The largest Russian research web-portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education.
Higher Attestation Commission

Higher Attestation Commission

Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science
TC 23

TC 23

Technical Committee for Standartization TC 023 "Oil & Gas Industry"
TC 465

TC 465

Technical Committee for Standartization TC 465 "Constructing"
SCOPUS Database

SCOPUS Database

The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books a...