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Group Structure


Vsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatelskiy Institut po Stroitelstvu, Proektirovaniyu Truboprovodov i Objektov TEK - Inzhiniringovaya Neftegazovaya Kompaniya Joint Stock Company (abbreviated name - VNIIST JSC)

Okruzhnoy Proezd 19, Moscow, 105187, phone: 7 495 135 82 01
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 7719261646
Tax Registration Reason (TRR) 771901001
Primary State Registration Number (PSRN) 1027719018799

The company is focused on scientific development in the sphere of the fuel and energy complex, in particularly on development of regulatory and process documentation (GOST, SP, etc.).

VNIIST Pozharnaya Bezopasnost Limited Liability Company (VNIIST PB LLC)

Okruzhnoy Proezd 19, room X, room. 32, Moscow, 105187
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 7719485188
Tax Registration Reason (TRR) 771901001
Primary State Registration Number (PSRN) 1197746035453

Ispytatelnyi Centr VNIIST Limited Liability Company (abbreviated name - IC VNIIST LLC)

Novaya Basmannaya St., 23A, bld. 3, art. 1, room 1-14, Krasnoselsky District, Moscow, 107078,
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 7719479498
Tax Registration Reason (TRR) 770801001
Primary State Registration Number (PSRN) 1187746570879

IC VNIIST LLC performs a set of tests of fuel and energy products.

Torgovyi dom VNIIST Limited Liability Company (TD VNIIST LLC)

Okruzhnoy Proezd 19, Moscow, 105187, phone: 7 495 135 82 01

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 7719443237
Tax Registration Reason (TRR) 771901001
Primary State Registration Number (PSRN) 1167746342158

Distributive and retail trade of goods and services for the FEC companies