
After the Second World War, our nation found major oil and gas discoveries in Central Asia, Northwest Siberia, and the Timan-Pechora region. Such discoveries could only become a source of a powerful development of the national fuel and energy system of the republic if the problems of transfer of the extracted raw materials to the industrially advanced areas could be effectively solved. To address these scientific and technological challenges, the All-Russian Research Institute for Construction and Operation of Pipelines, Fuel & Energy Complex Facilities (VNIIST) was created in 1948.
In the early years of its existence the Institute (at that time NIIStroyneft) was engaged in the construction, installation and renovation of oil refineries, tank batteries, tank farms and product pipelines, designing residential towns for oil workers. In 1957 a large-scale state program for the development of gas industry of the country was launched. In this context the Institute developed a whole range of scientific and engineering solutions programs for pipeline constructions, arrangement of gas and oil fields with underground and aboveground facilities. For experimental works and prototype production of machinery, equipment, instrumentation and materials a large production base of the Institute was built near Moscow.

The mid-60s to mid-80s of the 20th century. - the period of the most intense sector development. In this period the Institute one after another opens up promising research trends for development of large-diameter pipeline construction technology in complicated natural and climatic conditions. Some new technologies, equipment, devices and raw materials were developing. Thus new technologies of contact fusion welding, brazing, isolation, diagnosis, testing the pipelines etc. were developed. The Institute is starting to solve in complex the challenges of creating pipeline systems, tanks, pumping and compression stations, field development, building other facilities of the fuel and energy sector and is becoming the federal research center of the industry by right.

Novel scientific and technical solutions made it into operation up to 10 thousands km of the pipelines in a wide range of soil, climate and location conditions every year. VNIIST elaborated normative papers, technical as well as technological designs, machines, equipment, instruments were used as a foundation for creation of virtually the entire oil and gas pipelines in Russia, CIS countries, the oil and gas facilities of Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, USA, Canada, France, Sweden, FRG and other countries.
The Institute has participated in the building of all major systems of main pipelines in Russia and CIS countries: "Central Asia-Center", "Soyuz", "Ukhta-Torzhok", "Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod", "Yamburg-Center", "Mesoyakha-Norilsk", "Vygapur-Chelyabinsk" oil pipelines "Druzhba", "Surgut-Polotsk" and many other. Astrakhan, Mubarek, Naip, Shatlyk, Kara-Chaganak, Middle Priobye, Samotlor, Yamburg, Medvezhye, Tengiz and other fields were equipped for oil and gas production. Gas and oil processing plants were built in Nizhnevartovsk, Beloozersk, Mubarek, Orenburg and others. Institute experts participated in implementation of more than 450 projects for construction of gas and oil lines and other FEC objects in 40 world countries.
Each invention of the Institute, each technological or Engineering Solution is supported by the efforts of thousands of people, the real elite of the fuel and energy industry.