VNIIST strives to provide the highest quality service at Fuel & Gas Industry Engineering by maintaining our clients up to date during the investigation process, providing easy to understand technical reports that answer the client’s questions, and issuing reports in a timely manner.
VNIIST Engineering services includes pipeline and other Fuel & Gas Industry Engineering infrastructure design, construction, operation, inspection, maintenance and integrity management, with the purpose of providing safe, reliable transportation of oil and natural gas while realizing hige economic savings.
Understanding Fuel & Gas Industry Engineering needs a comprehensive knowledge ranging from pipeline design, construction, instrumentation and control to maintenance, inspection, integrity management and corrosion and stress corrosion cracking prevention. A complete review of Fuel & Gas Industry Engineering Engineering on both engineering application and scientific knowledge is contained in this theme. It is anticipated that a fundamental, comprehensive understanding about pipeline engineering will be developed to provide insights into the essence of FEC Engineering to oil/gas transportation, economic development, environmental sustainability and the community and society as a whole.
Fuel & Gas Industry Engineering projects can be divided into several specific stages, with separate sources of cost. These stages include:
conceptual engineering
detailed engineering
Although all the different cost aspects are considered, this occurs in a segmented manner. The costs related to all activities such as conceptual engineering, fabrication, and installation are considered isolated, addressed at different points in the pipeline life cycle, and not viewed on an integrated basis.
VNIIST Fuel & Gas Industry Engineering services include:
- Route planning constructability, field & desktop
- Hydraulic pipeline modeling & optimization
- Stream & wetland delineation
- Access road, site & grading plans
- Bidding (IFB) & construction (IFC) drawings
- Pipeline facilities, MLV, & M&R design
- PIG launcher/receiver design
- Material selection, stress analysis, & design documentation
- Class location & High Consequence Area (HCA) determination
- Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) design
- Erosion & sedimentation, E&S inspections
- GIS locating, mapping, & support
- Regulatory permitting, compliance, & reporting
- Hydrostatic test, purge, & blow-down plans
- As-built & test data sheet development
- Cathodic Protection (CP) planning
- Electrical service coordination & emergency power design
- Dedicated pipeline & power plant feed design
- Leak detection & repair (LDAR)
- Biogas treatment and transport
- Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) conveyance to sales point
VNIIST Fuel & Gas Industry Engineering services deliver the information you need to make confident routing decisions so you make all the right turns.