Editorial ethics
The Editorial Board of the journal "Pipeline Transport: Theory and Practice" (hereinafter - Editorial Board) believes that one the most important work principles is observance of ethical norms in preparation and publication of scientific articles. The Editorial Board is governed by the Recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), as well as by the Experience of reputable International journals and publishing houses.
All participants of the process of publishing the results of scientific researches - authors, reviewers, participants of the editorial board, members of the editorial staff, as well as persons or organizations concerned with the information provided by the journal - must follow the journal's ethical rules.
Authors' ethical principles
A researcher who has made a substantial and intellectual contribution to the published work is deemed to be an author. The author is responsibility for at least one component of the work and must have knowledge of the contributions of other individuals to the other parts. He must have full confidence in the qualifications and professionalism of his co-authors.
Author's Responsibilities:
No submission of a paper previously issued to the Editorial Board or sending the piece for simultaneous release to more that one publication.
The writers of the manuscript warrant that the work is authentic and does not represent plagiarism.
Authors adhere to the scholarly style and scientific journal structure of the research article in the article preparation.
Submit precise and accurate data in the paper and be responsible for the compliance of the scientific article with the academic ethical and legal norms, as well as observe the demands on the non-disclosure of financial details or any kind of information which creates a conflict of interest.
Report the individual's research input and prevent the co-authorship of the research article by persons who are not involved in the study. Recognize and thank individuals who participated in the study but are not named as authors in the paper.
Acknowledge the work of others and give citations to those publications that influenced and informed this study. Quotes and citations to other papers should always be exact and neatly organized. Multiple mentions of one's own work are not allowed (no more than three times).
Published research paper methodologies, estimates and findings should be clear, concise and unequivocal in a manner that can be repeated and later confirmed by other investigators.
Reply to the reviewer's inquiries as promptly or professionally as possible.
Inform the Editorial Board if refusing to have their paper peer-reviewed or choose not to answer the referee's comments.
Notice the Editorial Board when they find errors or omissions in the work presented for publishing, as well as take steps to correct them.
Contributors are obligated to co-operate with the Editorial Board in writing a refutation or revised article for publication, if mistakes or omissions are found in an earlier paper.
Handwritten articles should comply with the rules of academic article design, which are presented on the website of the Journal.
Reviewers' ethical principles
Members of the editorial board of the Journal with an appropriate scientific field of study perform peer reviewing. leading scientists of Russia as well as qualified practitioners may be invited for the reviewing, if needed.
Duties of reviewers:
Only agree and review those papers that match the reviewer's profile and knowledge and that they can review in due time.
Avoid allowing the contents of the manuscript to be affected by the origin of the review, nationality, religious affiliation, political or other opinions of its contributors, its administrative affiliation, or business considerations.
No information received in the process of peer review may be divulged, misused for personal advantage, for the interest of other individuals or entities, to harm other individuals or to defame them.
Being objective and in good faith, abstaining from incendiary claims, defamatory and disparaging comments.
The reviewer should:
- Identify the appropriateness of the scientific article to the magazine's profile;
- determine the timeliness of the material presented and determine the extent of scientific innovation of the research;
- estimate the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the material presentation;
- assess the style of the scientific article, the structuring of the research article, the presented graphical as well as illustrative information, the accuracy and precision in use of definitions and wordings;
- to evaluate the relevance and possible implementation of the findings of the research;
- give justified findings on the overall article, observations, and, if necessary, provide recommendations for its improvement. -
Comply with author's right, avoid a public discussion of the submitted papers before the manuscript publication.
No reviewers may photocopy received managed papers into their own files, use for personal purposes, or provide them to other persons without the editor's permission. They are required to give back or delete a copy of the managed manuscript after submitting the review.
Comments from referees are not released or published in any other way without authorization of the reviewer, contributors, and the reviewer's editor.
Ethical Guidelines of the Editorial Board
The Editorial Board ensures the review of all materials presented for the publication, respect of editorial autonomy and good conscience in making objective decisions. The decision of the Editorial Board to approve the articles is not subject to race, gender, age, nationality, citizenship, social status, sexual orientation, religious and political beliefs of the author(s), as well as the commercial interests.
The editorial board has the editorial right to change the material drafts. The Editorial Board has the authority to send materials of research papers in part or in whole to the Russian and international organizations that ensure the scientific articles indexing, as these materials can be posted on the Internet site of the Journal.Editorial materials are not returned to the authors. Fees (royalties) for articles published are not paid.Any scientific articles are free of charge for publication in the journal.
Responsibilities of the Editorial Board:
Give equal fair consideration to the presented works, assess them by their intelligent content and make a decision to print an article based only on the expertise of peer reviewers and the opinions of the Editorial Board members.
Not to admit an article to be published if there are enough reasons to suppose that it is plagiarized.
The Journal shall not consider articles sent to other publications at the very same time. Also, papers that are substantially the same as previously published papers by other authors or are included in papers that have already been contributed to or appeared in print or online journals will not be acceptable for publication.
Observe the right to privacy and secrecy of personal details and disclose any information about the manuscript presented only to writers and reviewers.
Remove a submission from review in case of a possible contact with a conflict of interest. In the case of conflict of interest, issue corrections or denials after the research article has become publicly available.
Adopt effective actions when a claim of ethical character is submitted to the presented manuscript or scientific article published (notification of the author, discussion of the complaint by the editorial board, release of corrections (explanations), recall of dishonest articles).
Make recommendations for citations of papers based on their academic significance and with the goal of improvement of the presented material. Forcing the authors to cite the journal is unacceptable.
Intellectual property and authorship rights should be defended.
Facilitate the independence the editors and assist the authors in publication of corrections and comments.
Approve with the editor all editorial corrections, with the exception of editorial corrections.